Foto de Borras Michael Francia

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Michaël Borras a.k.a SYSTAIME is a Young vidéo designer and a grafic artist. In the Small world of new technologies his paintings cannot be ignored. He is a reference in his domain. He already collaborated with famous art name like Charlelie Couture, Bianca Jagger and many other personalities kwown worldwide.

With more than 10 years of various experiments, this super créative Parisian, explores all his art...

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Foto de Borras Michael Francia

Michaël Borras a.k.a SYSTAIME is a Young vidéo designer and a grafic artist. In the Small world of new technologies his paintings cannot be ignored. He is a reference in his domain. He already collaborated with famous art name like Charlelie Couture, Bianca Jagger and many other personalities kwown worldwide.

With more than 10 years of various experiments, this super créative Parisian, explores all his art angles mixing with his reality touch, the virtual reality in order to create his own referencial universe.

Child of TV and advertising, he is a network man passionated by the show society.
He invents, day after day, a parallel world as reflection of what the World and E-World are sending to him threw Politic, News in brief and media prism.
SYSTAIME produces an involved artistic field.
He creates his vidéos as animated paintings, as a painter is moulding his canvas.
Music has a great part in his artwork. Better than any other, he lnows how to play with the image/sound accordance.

Complete multimédia artist, SYSTAIME is an artist in phase with his era which he paces up pixel by pixel threw a DV tape or a colours palette.

SYSTAIME became a fully fledged brand, a touch,a recognized Art network flu, the mix between SYSTEM, MACHINE, LOVE and HUMANITY ;.Michaël Borras installed a strong power that will let his footprint in the modern Art history.
He presented his work in Séoul, Tokyo, New-York and in numerous festivals in the world

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